This 8 week Edge Challenge has been one wild and unexpected ride. I didn't want to finish without thanking my personal trainer and The Edge Team for this amazing opportunity. When I started, I truly didn't expect to find myself here at the finish line, let alone with a 1st place medal. I entered into the challenge with the assumption that there were too many hurdles for me to be truly successful. I had too many health issues, wouldn't find the level of support I needed, I would be isolated and alone in my journey, and my schedule would never allow me to find enough consistency to form a successful routine. All of these excuses were proved wrong!
I was able to move the needle significantly on all of my health markers - down 20 pounds in weight, - 100 pt cholesterol, down over 200 pt triglycerides, blood pressure = normal. The Edge trainers were extremely supportive, the Edge Challenge community was very welcoming and willing to give encouragement, and I was able to form a routine centered around the evening Edge Strong and weekend Challenge classes. Now I have no more excuses...
Post Edge Challenge, I will be continuing my journey with my trainer, Shannon and hope to focus mainly on building muscle and endurance. Looking forward to the next challenge in February and hope to see both new and familiar faces!
-Jessica, Edge Challenge First Place Winner (pictured front row, bottom left)