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This first week has been amazing and eye opening. I can honestly say that I started this process with a lot of excitement (by that I mean fear and nervousness). This first week has shown me that any discomfort was mostly doubt and fear of the unknown. As I am becoming familiar with my coach, teammates, and workout routine, the discomfort is slowly dissipating. I've decided that beyond my weight loss and health goals, I want to use this time to identify all the fears that lie behind my excuses in the past and link each excuse with a tool or experience that disproves my fear or eliminates my excuses. In the first week alone I have addressed fear #1. "I cant work out because I don't know anyone at the gym and need someone in my corner." Now I have a coach and a whole team in my corner! I have my first post kick-off weigh-in this Saturday and I look forward to seeing the results. Thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to eliminating all of my excuses in the coming weeks!
- Jessie, The Edge Fitness Clubs Media, PA
Hello! So the first week of the Edge Challenge has come and gone and I’m feeling pumped! Kickoff night was crazy! There are so many people involved and the energy throughout the gym was amazing to be a part of. I had a few big wins this week - I’ve been on track with my eating almost every day, I participated in my first weekly group challenge session, and I ran my first 5k under my goal time of less than 40 minutes!
-Cinnamon, The Edge Fitness Clubs Christiana, DE
Week 1 of the Edge Challenge went well for me. After some guidance from my trainer Laura, I have a meal plan in place and I'm adjusting well to it. My opening night weight was 301 lbs. I made it through some Edge Strong Foundation Classes along with the Edge Challenge workout and my normal routine workouts at night. This picture was taken with my good friend Brittany at the end of week 1, after we completed the Challenge workout and Edge Strong Foundation Class back to back!
- Ryan, The Edge Fitness Clubs Cherry Hill, NJ
Prior to beginning the Edge Challenge I hadn’t been to the gym in years! I also had a bad soda habit (it’s my coffee!). So this week was kind of a shock to the system. I made a promise to eliminate soda and schedule my gym days and times. Aside from soda not fitting into my nutrition program, I am tackling the changes in a slow and steady way. I want my changes to last beyond the challenge ending.
I see some people killing it with daily hard core workouts. When I catch myself comparing myself to them, I remember that:
1. We are all starting the Edge Challenge from different fitness starting points
2. I’m in the for the long haul, not just the 8 weeks!
So I am making mini goals along the way. This week was eliminating the soda and sticking to water and tea, and committing to a workout schedule. My trainer suggested 3-4 days a week. So I have my 3 days/classes picked and I am trying to be more active in between gym sessions. My plan is to increase this over time.
This week was physically HARD! My first Edge Strong Class was difficult but our trainer was awesome. She helped modify moves as needed so I could push through. The trainers have been awesome about helping along the way! I loved the feeling of knowing I gave it 100% at the end of my workouts!
- Vanessa, The Edge Fitness Clubs Orange, CT