"September 2019 marked my 3rd anniversary of joining The Edge Fitness Clubs in Manchester, CT. When I think back on my fitness journey, I am so thankful as it has made me the strong young woman I am today. But my fitness journey didn't just start when I signed up at The Edge. When I signed up for The Edge I was already in my 4th year of a healthy lifestyle.
But since joining The Edge I have not only made new friends, I have gained so much new knowledge that I never knew before to add to my healthy lifestyle. Seven years ago, I was a 19 year old girl. Everyone was off to college and I was the only one commuting to college. I began to not be able to catch my breath as I went up the stairs to my classes at Manchester Community College but at the time I didn't think much about it. I finally went to see a doctor that spring semester and found out that for my height I was significantly overweight. I also knew diabetes ran in my family so I knew I had to do something to make a change.
I first started taking walks in the summer with a neighbor every morning at 7 am- 9 am and became more conscious about what I ate. I came home from my Cape Cod family vacation and had doubts that I hadn't lost anything at all. To my surprise I dropped my first 10lbs! I later joined a gym to help maintain my healthier lifestyle. And a year and 8 months, 2 months before my 21st birthday, I lost 100lbs! Yay!
But shortly after I lost all that weight, it didn't go exactly picture perfect as I thought it would. I thought after loosing the weight it would be easy to keep it off. To some it may be, but for me it was intimidating and challenging. But with the help of my wonderful family and friends I learned techniques on how to make my maintenance stage less stressful and more balanced.
Now fast forward 4 years. In September of 2016 I joined The Edge. As soon as I signed up I knew it was the best decision I could make, but it was hard to believe that at the time. I had just ended an awful relationship of being cheated on and just hoped that by joining this gym I could find myself again. As soon as I started talking to trainers and members I made new friends quickly! The Edge truly helped me find myself!
I was finally shining brighter than ever! The Edge has made such an impact on me- mentally, physically and emotionally. I'm 28 now and looking back at pictures of the younger, overweight me, there's a story behind each photo but the result of them is amazing. Each picture is what made me the strong woman I am today. I am balanced with my workouts and nutrition and living this healthy and happy life that I have provided for myself.
I am not perfect by any means and I have my moments, which we all do, but I look forward to seeing what The Edge Fitness Clubs will provide for me and my healthy lifestyle in the years to come. I am forever grateful to my Edge family and I know now that signing up for The Edge was definitely the best decisions I've ever made in my life. Thank you Edge for everything you've provided me! New friends, new knowledge, balance, and a new sense of self worth!
Always remember that Rome wasn't built over night. There is never a hard and fast deadline to get to your goal, especially as your goals are always changing as you grow. The number on the scale does not define who you are. Give it your all when you go to the gym, if you're not sweating you're not working out hard enough. Be balanced and stick to a plan, and if you get off track, just kick butt even harder in the gym the next day and make better nutrition choices. Remember, each step you take is a step in the direction to a better, beautiful you. Providing you a healthier and happier life. Thank you for taking the time to read my story! Stay healthy and happy as always!"
- Brittany, Manchester Edge Member