I always say, "from wherever you are to wherever you want to be." No goal is out of reach with discipline and consistency.
Meet my client for the better part of 2020, Matt. Here’s the secret. Everything works. But nothing works forever. When Matt and I got together, he was approx 22% body fat. His goal was to shred a bit and lose some extra pounds around the midsection. He wanted to look good. He had been exercising for a while at the gym and had hit a plateau. He stopped seeing results. So he decided to meet with a personal trainer, who happened to be me! Enter functional training, Adam style! A mixture of muscle building splits, accessory work to build the stabilizing muscles, and intensity based endurance/metabolic work. When we focused on moving well and hard work, the rest came with. He’s got an incredible work ethic, is always down for whatever I have ready for him, and it shows. He now sits at around 10% body fat and he significantly increased his muscle mass!
But don’t take my word for it:
“When I signed up for personal training I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I thought maybe I will lose a couple pounds that would be cool, but never did I imagine losing over 20 pounds and cutting my body fat in half! I thought I had a good idea about fitness and my exercise routine. But in 2020, as crazy as it was, Adam helped me exceed my goals even through quarantine, sending me at home workouts and pushing me through every Monday workout. He gave me the motivation and confidence to wake up everyday and get after it. I can't thank Adam enough for all he’s done for me and for what he still does for me! Here’s to crushing it in 2021!"
You could be next! Come see me in Warwick RI. No goal is out of reach. - Adam, Personal Trainer Warwick